The Daily Tar Heel :: Solar farm comes to Orange County

City Utilities announces 40-acre solar farm project in eastern Greene County –

The largest solar farm of Missouri to be built in Springfield | Press Releases | Eco-Business – Asia's Cleantech & Sustainable Business Community

The largest solar farm of Missouri to be built in Springfield

City Utilies, together with Solexus Development (a Saint-Louis company) and Strata Solar (a North Carolina company), is working on a solar farm project, the largest one in Missouri. To be built in Springfield, this solar power station will diversify the utilities portfolio.

The construction of a solar plant is consistent with upcoming environment regulation and the cost of solar energy decreasing through the years. The construction of the solar farm is to start in spring next year. Solexus Development is to conduct the project while Strata Solar is to conduct, fund and operate the 4.95 MW solar farm through a 25-year agreement. The system should generate over 9.5 million KWh per day, which represent about 875 Springfield’s houses. However, it is still far from the biggest solar farm of the nation, the Agua Caliente Solar farm in Arizona which is 50 times bigger.

City Utilities is to connect the solar far to the existing infrastructure and to buy its energy from Strata Solar. This project should not affect City Utilities’ customers as the utility is not responsible for the advance fees of the solar farm. The company will provide its customers with an energy mix from the solar power station and other sources of energy.

The solar plant will be built on a 57-acre field, including 40 acres dedicated to the plant itself. The biggest advantage of the solar plant is to help City Utilities to deal more efficiently with peak seasons when it is hard for the utility to meet the demand.

via The largest solar farm of Missouri to be built in Springfield | Press Releases | Eco-Business – Asia's Cleantech & Sustainable Business Community.